Easter morning, the kids woke up and we had fun digging into the Easter baskets. Each year we try and get them a religious type book in their Easter basket. This year they also got candy, stickers and a few toys. Below are a few pictures of the kids with their baskets.
After Conference, we had lunch, naps, and then had the kids decorate a cake for Easter Dinner. Then we headed outside for an Easter Egg Hunt. We had Daddy hide them while we decorated the cake. Below are a few more pictures of our fun!
After the Easter Egg hunt, we packed the kids up to head over to Grandma and Grandpa's house. At this point in time, Sarah was still of the mindset that car rides were to be feared and hated. Luckily, she doesn't mind them too much now. Anyway, we had an Easter Egg Hunt there, and the boys got spoiled by Grandma. Alexander got a new tricycle for Easter and Jacob got a car to ride in. They also got some fun play dough too. We enjoyed a nice Easter dinner with ham and all the fixings, and then just had fun with the kids playing with all their new toys. Here are a few more pictures for you!
Well, that about covers our Easter fun! It was great being able to spend time with the family, bask in the joy of our newborn, and remember the Savior and all He has done for us.