There was a bit of a scare early in December where Scott and Virginia thought they lost the baby. It was so early in the pregnancy that they waited to tell everyone until they were sure things were okay. Anyway, amidst the scare Scott gave Virginia a blessing. He says that he too, was sure they had lost the baby, but as he went to give her a blessing, the Spirit guided his words and he was able to bless Virginia that she would one day be able to hold the baby in her arms and that everything would be just fine. He even felt prompted to say that this child was anxiously awaiting to come to earth and have them as parents. It was such a spiritual experience for them both and they are so grateful to have their sweet little boy now!
To tell Scott's family that Virginia was pregnant, they took a picture of the pregnancy test strip and sent it to them. It was great hearing their surprise as they called us and had figured out what the picture text was of. The best part about that whole thing is that Scott's Mom is a nurse and even she was confused by the picture. It was his Dad who figured it out!
To tell Virginia's family that she was pregnant, they decided to wait until Christmas. With the scare of losing the baby, they wanted to wait and be sure everything was fine. They found out on Christmas Eve that everything was normal, and went ahead with the plans to tell her family. (A side note: When Scott saw the ultrasound of the baby right before Christmas, he said the baby looked like a bean. For most of the pregnancy, they referred to the baby as "Baby Bean"). They spent Christmas Eve with her family and that was the night Virginia started having morning sickness. Of course, she couldn't tell them what was wrong until the next day because she had planned a perfect surprise. The next morning, Virginia woke up and was sick three times before they were supposed to leave. Scott decided to call the family and tell them we would be a little late. When they got there, Virginia's brother, Robert, who was home from the military started asking her how she was feeling. Robert is a medic and was probably trying to figure out what was wrong. She tried to avoid the subject, and just said she had an upset stomach. He then joked that she was pregnant. As they opened gifts, Virginia had sewn a baby burp cloth as a family gift. When they opened it, there was a little note on it that said, "Baby coming August 2011." It was fun to see all of their excitement. But it was a pretty rough Christmas for Virginia since she was feeling super sick.
As the pregnancy continued, Scott and Virginia started taking guesses as to what the gender of the baby would be. It was amazing because literally everyone in their life guessed that it would be a girl (all of their friends, and both sides of the family). Virginia had always wanted a girl, but was surprised that as she was pregnant, she started feeling okay with the idea that it could be a boy. So she finally decided to stick with a boy for her official guess since everyone, including Scott, was guessing the baby would be a girl. A few nights before the ultrasound, Virginia had a dream that she gave birth and said, "See! I told them it was a boy!" The day of the ultrasound her cousin even said, "Text me when you find out that you are having a girl." Virginia joked about not texting her at all if it was a boy. Anyway, they went to the ultrasound and discovered that they were indeed having a boy. It was a very exciting moment.

A few days after the ultrasound, Scott and Virginia ended up moving to Utah! It was a completely unexpected move. Virginia had already registered for classes and though they thought it might be fun to live in Utah someday, they didn't anticipate that it would happen for several years. One day, early in March, they fasted that Scott could find a better job. The next day, he got an e-mail from a company asking if he was looking for a job. The company had his resume on file for 3 years, due to a career fair he attended in college! That week he interviewed on skype, and by April 1st, they were in Utah. It was a fairly quick move, but it turned out great for them! Scott absolutely loves his new job and works only half a mile from home. That made things a lot easier with only one car. It also turned out to be much cheaper to have the baby in Utah than Washington. It was sad to leave Virginia's family, but they were great and came for a visit shortly after the baby was born.
Shortly after the move to Utah, Virginia went on a "Princess Trip" to Disneyland with all of the girls from Scott's side of the family. She was 6 months pregnant for the trip and it was a bit tougher than she had expected. Scott had warned Virginia that his Mom, Diane, loves to see everything when she goes on vacation. How right he was! They spent two 12 hour days back to back at Disneyland, followed by a beach day and then another 12 hour day at Disneyland. Let's just say she was one worn out momma!
With the move, and the baby coming soon, Virginia didn't want to give up on school. So she changed all her classes to online classes and took them from Utah. She ended up graduating with her Associates Degree from Bellevue College, when she was 8 months pregnant. Though she wished she was further in school before the baby came, it was nice to know that she had gotten a degree before Alexander was born.
When Virginia was in Washington for the graduation, she had a baby shower with her family, and then later had a baby shower with Scott's family. They were both lots of fun. Here are some pictures of the baby showers:
Scott was truly, the sweetest husband ever while Virginia was pregnant. When she was dealing with morning sickness, he would hold back her hair and just be there to comfort her. When her back hurt, he would give her constant back massages. But the thing that probably meant the most to Virginia was that Scott would paint her toes for her when she couldn't reach them. He was such a sweetheart!
As the months passed, they both got excited about creating a baby room. Virginia also started sewing and made a few things for the baby. Here are some pictures of the baby room and some of Virginia's projects:
As the pregnancy continued, they got more and more excited for the baby to come. Virginia ended up loving the move to Utah because it was sunny enough that she could go swimming 3-5 times a week. And being the water bug from Florida, it made the pregnancy a wee bit easier to handle. Here are a few more fun pregnancy pictures:
Overall the pregnancy went well, and the birth went quite smoothly too. But that is another story. Tune in next time for the birth of Alexander :)
You have the cutest prego belly :) Love all the stories! Keep em' coming :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! I am really having so much fun reflecting on life since I got engaged. It is amazing how blessed I am! It is funny because when life is good and happy, sometimes you forget about all the good stuff that has happened. The blog has helped me to be more grateful for all that has happened. Thanks for inspiring me to start a blog :) And for the record, your prego belly was pretty dang cute too!!!