We have finally made it to this year! I am so excited :) Let's see what happened in January? First of all, Alexander really started to get more mobile! He learned how to roll from his back to his tummy and became a bit of an inchworm. He would arch his back and push off with his feet so that he could scoot across the floor. It was so adorable! Below are a few pictures of one of the times he did this. He started on the blue mat and worked his way under the chair. He was even trying to eat the chair! Adorable! Here are the pictures:
Another thing he did was outgrow his bassinet. He moved into the crib at 2 months, but it was fun having the bassinet in our room for times that I folded laundry and stuff. But he got big enough that we finally moved it into the garage. We couldn't resist taking a picture of him in our "Harry Potter closet" before packing it away. This is for all you Harry Potter fans out there:
Alexander also discovered feet in the month of January. He loved playing with his feet and would try to eat other peoples feet. Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy:

The most exciting thing that happened in January was that Alexander got to start solid foods! My brother, Robert, bought a Baby Bullet for Alexander as a belated Christmas gift. It is a food making system. So now we make all his baby food from scratch. We started with rice cereal, then moved to peas, sweet potatoes, and currently he is on carrots. So far he hasn't really enjoyed baby food, but once we started carrots (last week) things sort of clicked for him. He must really like carrots. Making baby food is super easy, super cheap and super fun! I love it. It doesn't take very much time at all. As long as you have a way to cook your veggies, and have a blender, you can do it! I just steam most veggies, then throw them in the blender with a little water. Then you just puree them and portion them into ice cube trays. Once they are frozen, you can put them into a freezer bag and mark when you made them. Then you just pull them out when you need them. It is so cost efficient it is ridiculous! Plus I love the fact that Alexander isn't getting a ton of crazy preservatives.
Well, that pretty much covers our excitement for the month of January. Tune in next time for memories of last month and then we will be all caught up :)
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