Since my family always does a barbecue, I thought it would be fun to make my ribs. So I got all the fixings and brought them down to Russ and Diane's house. The ribs take about five hours to cook, so we had to get there in the morning. Scott and I got them all ready and put them in the oven. Then we just snacked on food and hung out for a little while.
The hardest part about getting my in-laws in the partying mood, was they had a bit of a tragedy occur on the fourth. There beloved cat, Hobbes, died. Russ and Diane were just about to leave for the airport to pick up Scott's brother, Daniel, when Diane realized she hadn't seen Hobbes in awhile. So we all went searching and Diane and Scott found Hobbes dead in the bushes. Sad times! So we gathered him up and made a burial spot for him. Then when Daniel got there, we finished burying him. It was sad, but for Scott's sake, I am going to include some of the pictures of Hobbes below:
Hobbes was a bit of a cranky cat, but we all loved him! He usually wasn't the cuddly type, he was more of the "if you touch me the wrong way I might take out your hand" type. But a few months ago, he really started to warm up to me. He would rub against my leg and even sit in my lap and let me pet him. We will all miss our Hobbsey-Bobs-Bob (my nickname for him)!
So after the mourning of Hobbes, I needed a little more fun! So Scott and I played Sequence while everyone picked up Daniel from the airport. Then we had the finishing of the burial, and shortly thereafter, we had our dinner. Dinner was so good (though the ribs didn't turn out quite as yummy as usual...which I think may be due to using a different oven...they still were yummy though)! We had ribs, corn-on-the-cob, rolls, barbecue baked beans, homemade mashed potatoes (made by me), and watermelon! It was super yummy! By the end, we were all stuffed.
Shortly after dinner, we all got ready to go to Stadium of Fire (a fireworks and music show put on at BYU). Before we left though, I managed to get a few fun pictures of us. You may notice Alexander's adorable new outfit that says "Mommy's little firecracker" with his matching sandals! I just loved the outfit so much that I had to get it for him. I also painted my toes cute for the holiday. Here are the pictures of us:
The fourth really was a blast overall...pun intended! It was great to have a yummy barbecue, play a few games, see an awesome fireworks show, and spend time with family! We loved it! Well, that is all for now. Tune in next time for fun in the park.
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