Well, it looks like I have been a slacker when it comes to blogging, once again! I guess being the mother of two boys under two doesn't give me as much time for me as I would sometimes like. They are completely worth it though. I have to say, that though some days are super hard, I can't imagine my life without these two sweet boys, and my amazing husband, Scott. I truly am blessed beyond belief. Well on to the blog! I figured that since it has been three months since my last post, I might as well recap the last few months for you. They have been so much fun, that I will have to break them into a few posts; so for now, we will start wtih the month of March.

We already talked about Jacob's baby blessing, so the next fun thing to recap is Pi Day. As is tradition (or as is becoming tradition), we went down to Orem to the Village Inn Cafe for Pi Day. We met up with Russ, Diane and Amy and enjoyed a nice piece of pie. They have like a zillion flavors of pie and I always have such a hard time deciding. This time I decided to go with a lemon pie. I can't remember what everyone else had, though I remember the chocolate mint pie was popular with the girls. Anyway, we all enjoyed our pie and decided to let Alexander try some too. He was really enjoying the pie until Mommy ruined his fun and gave him a taste of her lemon pie! Oh my goodness his face was priceless! I tried to get a picture, but it was pretty hard to catch him in the moment. We look forward to many more Pi Days and priceless photos of our boys enjoying some yummy pie.
March also brought St. Patrick's Day! This year, St. Patrick's Day fell on a Sunday. We didn't do too much out of the ordinary this year. We just enjoyed time at church and went to Russ and Diane's for dinner. When we got there, Alliyah and I made green cupcakes with green frosting. It was super fun! Alexander really enjoyed eating them too. Below are a few pictures of all our fun on St. Patrick's Day:

Another fun thing that happened in March was that Scott and I celebrated our third anniversary! It is crazy to think that we have been married three years already! My how the time has flown! So much has happened over these last three years. It is crazy to think that we already have two bouncing baby boys! They do bring us so much joy. And even with the chaotic days that sometimes come with raising children, I have to say that we still haven't gotten over the "Honeymoon Phase." Sometimes I wonder if it will ever end, and yet, I hope it goes on forever! I just love Scott so much and feel so blessed to be married to him! Anyway, for our anniversary, we had Scott's parents come and watch the boys and enjoyed our first date night since Jacob's birth. We enjoyed a nice dinner at Olive Garden and had dessert at a cute ice cream shop called Sub Zero. During dessert we spent time just recounting the many things we love about each other. The list went on so long, that we had to cut our time short and head back so I could feed Jacob. It was a simple anniversary, but I loved it. It was so nice to just spend time together and remember all the reasons why we fell in love and are still falling in love.

March also brought Easter! Easter was a fun time for our family. In the morning, we opened the easter baskets with the boys, and then we went to church. We had an enjoyable day at church, and then spent dinner with Scott's family. We went to Jim and Janine's house (Scott's grandparents). Russ, Diane, Amy and Alliyah were also there. Since it was still pretty chilly, we decided to have an indoor Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. It was super fun. Of course Jacob couldn't really hunt the eggs, but we still hid some to help him find them. Xander was pretty good at hunting the eggs, but we still had to help him find the harder ones. The funny thing that happened that day was that Scott and I hid an egg near a duck and a monkey toy. Well, it turns out these toys frighten Alexander with the noises they make, so when he saw the egg was near the toy, he backed away and cried. We knew he didn't like the toys, but we thought he might get brave and get the egg. We had no idea it would make him cry. Poor little guy! He has suck sneaky parents! Anyway, it was a really fun day. Scott's parents got Alexander and Jacob some fun water and sand toys for a water and sand table they bought for them, as well as a bubble maker. We let Xander and Alliyah play bubbles at Nana and Papa's house, but Xander got to see his sand table on another day. One other fun thing that happened was that Jacob rolled over from his tummy to his back for the first time on Easter! It was pretty exciting to see him roll over. It was also kind of funny because Alexander rolled over for the first time on Thanksgiving. So it looks like all our kids will have to roll over on Holidays! Below are some pictures of our Easter fun:



Well, that about wraps up March! Hopefully I can get us caught up soon. Tune in next time for Amazing April :)
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