Well, here I am again, trying to wrack my brain about what we did two months ago. But hey, at least I am trying. Of course I already blogged about Alexander's second birthday, which was tons of fun, but I remember still wanting to add a few cute stories of how we spent the rest of the month and some of the fun things the kids were doing. So here goes nothing!

Okay, one of the most awesome things happened in August! Rita's came to Utah! For those of you who don't know what Rita's is, you are seriously missing out! Rita's is this most amazing and affordable italian ice shop. On my mission in Pennsylvania, they were everywhere. Rita's was the best thing ever to a missionary who had been tracting in the PA humidity all day. They were super cheap and super yummy. And they had the best flavors too. My most favorite flavor had to have been cotton candy. Anyway, they just opened one in Utah! So they were giving away free italian ice on the opening day. So I corralled the family into going with me. I, of course, got a cotton candy flavored one. I think Scott got Mango and Alexander got Watermelon. Now, as you may already know, Alexander is a bit of a picky eater. He hates new things. But one taste of Rita's and he was hooked! He ate the whole thing. It was really cute. Anyway, here are some fun pictures of us enjoying our Rita's:

Another fun thing I did in August was can. I have been really getting into this whole canning thing. I still feel pretty new at it, but am loving it. I was able to can two batches of applesauce and some pears. Since I discovered that I have IC, and learned my fruits are pretty limited and that I need to avoid preservatives, I decided to can some applesauce and some pears. My friends Marybeth and Lessa let me borrow some of their canning supplies and helped teach me a little bit. I am really hoping to acquire some of my own canning stuff before next canning season so I can do even more then. Looks like I am becoming a little more domestic each and every day!

Another fun thing we did in August was attend Scott's work party at Seven Peaks (a water park). It was so fun taking the kids, even though it kind of limited what we could do. We played mostly in the wave pool, lazy river and kiddie pool. We couldn't do a lot of the water slides because they are still a little too young for them. Scott did manage to take Alexander on one water slide and he seemed to like it. We were thinking about letting me take him on one, when we decided to break for dinner. His work provided us with coupons for free meals. So I stood in line to get us a meal, and right before I got to the counter, the power went out. I had probably been in line for half an hour or so. The cashiers were trying to say they couldn't give us food, because they couldn't take our payment. A few of us explained that we didn't need change made or a card ran, we just had the vouchers, but the people wouldn't budge. Then a woman came back to the counter asking for waters (she had previously paid). The cashier grabbed her waters and then gave her change with cash. That is when I seized my opportunity. I said, "So you can take her cash payment, but not our vouchers?" Finally, that was the straw that broke the camels back, and they gave us our food and everyone else who had vouchers got theirs too. I felt like a hero! Anyway, we ate our dinner, but the power never came back on, so we just went home. It was fun to have a free family night out, even if it was cut short.

One of my favorite things that happened in August, was that Scott spoiled me. I woke up one morning to find notes all over the house. There was one note saying that I would find a total of 32 notes all around the house. He put reasons about why he loves me in the notes and strategically placed them, depending on what the note said. It made me feel like a million bucks. I truly do have the best husband ever. He told me he stayed up for hours the night before writing and placing all the notes. What a sweet husband he is! Below is a picture of the first note he left for me to find:

Okay, well that about wraps up the extra stuff we did in the month of August. I would like to take a moment to talk about some of the things the kids were up to that month. Alexander, of course, turned two and is definitely a two-year-old. He has his highs and lows, he has his tantrums and giggles. We love him for everything he is. When we took him into the doctor for his two-year-old wellness check-up, we were so glad to hear that he was on par with his language skills. At 18 months, he seemed far enough behind on his vocabulary, that the doctor had us check his hearing, just to be sure. Well, his language has just taken off since then! He is learning new words all the time. At the time of his appointment they asked if he could speak in two word sentences, and the very next day he said his first four word sentence, "I see you, Mom!" It was a cute four word sentence. He said it while peeking out at me through the crib. He also knows just about every letter and can count to ten! He is currently in the process of learning his shapes right now. He is just a smart little guy and we are proud of all his progress!

Jacob is growing and progressing quite well too. He has started eating more and more solids. Though our approach has been quite different with him, than it was with Alexander. Jacob has had a mind of his own, from day one. He lets you know when he wants something and when he doesn't. Well, I started using my baby bullet to puree food for him, just as I did for Alexander, and he fought me every step of the way. He HATED being spoon fed. It took awhile for me to catch on to the fact that he just wanted to do it himself. Once we started giving him finger foods, he wanted to eat anything and everything we placed in front of him. After making the applesauce, he actually started to enjoy the spoon a little, but he still likes to be the one mainly in control. So most of his foods are stuff he can pick up and eat. Applesauce is one of the few things he gets spoon-fed. He may like being in control, but he is not picky at all. In fact, he tends to try more foods than Alexander does, and sometimes he even eats more portions than Alexander. It was funny because at Alexander's two year check-up, we had Jacob's 6 month check-up. Alexander's numbers showed that he was tall and skinny (he finally made it to the 20% for weight and was in the 70% percentile for height), and Jacob was short and chunky (he was 65% for weight and 30% for height). Silly boys are exact opposites! Jacob is also getting very mobile! I think I mentioned in the post about Alexander's birthday, that Jacob learned to crawl early in the month of August. Well, by the end of the month he was pulling himself to a standing position against the couch. Now that it is October, he is climbing stairs and walking along the couch. We will have a walker any day. It has been fun seeing him become more mobile. He is getting into everything and really starting to play with Alexander. It is absolutely adorable! Well, that about wraps up their growth. So I will just leave you a few fun pictures of the boys to enjoy:

Well, that about covers August! Phew! I finally made it through that month! Hopefully next week I will get around to blogging about our fun in September. Tune in next time for Superb September!
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