As I was going through old pictures of October, I just had to take a moment to post about a few of the pictures I found. I stumbled upon some pictures of Alexander helping with the dishes. Aunt Debbie introduced me to how to let him help with dishes, while I am doing them. He has always been a helper, and I love it! When Aunt Debbie came, she moved the step stool over and let him "wash" dishes in a sink with water and soap. Well, he does it all the time now. But as I looked back at that picture, it just made me so grateful for my little boy. He really, truly, does love to help! If I pull out a broom, he wants to sweep. If Jacob drops his sippy cup, Xander pics it up for him. If he spills his milk, Xander will wipe it up with a napkin. I just think it is so sweet to see how much he loves to help. I just needed to take a moment and let you know how grateful I am for my little helper.
And, moments after I finished this post, I noticed a few pictures of Xander helping Daddy mow the lawn last year, and helping Mommy bake (which by the way, he helps me cook all the time) and "do laundry"! Anyway, here are a few more fun pictures for you:
So the bottom line is, I have a little helper and he's adorable! That's all. Tune in next time for "Fall Fun."
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