The first big thing that happened in November was that Scott had to go on a work trip for a week, early in the month. For his job, he occasionally travels to conferences that his company helps with. This time he went to San Francisco, California. I was a bit nervous about him traveling since he is such a HUGE help with Alexander and since I am big and prego. But, we managed just fine. Of course we missed Daddy lots, but Russ and Diane were great at helping give me a few breaks. One night, Diane came down and watched Alexander so I could go to my Bunco group (a dice rolling game with some friends from the ward that I attend once a month). That was super nice! Russ and Diane also invited us down for dinner a few nights too. That was a huge help because I needed some social interaction, and it can be hard cooking a meal just for myself. Anyway, we were super excited to have Scott come home. Luckily, he only travels about once a year for work, so we are blessed to have him around tons. Alexander was so excited to see Scott when he came home, he squealed with delight. For the next few days he also enjoyed playing in Scott's suitcase. Adorable!
One of the hardest things that happened in November, was that I got released from serving as the Second Counselor in the Young Women's Presidency. You have to know, that I have absolutely loved serving with the Young Women in our ward. Since I was never in Young Women, it has been a chance for me to learn what the program is, and also regain a little bit of my youth. It was so much fun hanging out with the girls. I really felt more like a Young Woman than a leader. But, alas, as the pregnancy has progressed, it has been hard to serve in the capacity the way that I have wanted to. There were many days, pretty early in the pregnancy that I would be in so much pain that walking was unbearable and would bring me to tears. Even the smallest of household chores could send me in pain for days. This made attending activities really difficult. As I started to miss more activities, it was that much harder to feel like I was fulfilling my calling.
Finally, in a night of tears, Scott recommended that we fast about whether or not I should ask to be released from my calling. Honestly, I hated the idea because if the Lord said I should stick it out, that would be unbearable due to the pain; and if He told me it was fine to be released, that was unbearable because I didn't want to leave the girls. Well, we did indeed fast about it. The night we started the fast, I felt I should ask to be released, but the next day I got such mixed feelings about it all. The one thing I did keep feeling was that the Lord was telling me that I shouldn't run faster than I have strength and that it was okay to take a break. But, I kept it to myself. That night, Scott encouraged me to ask for a Priesthood blessing from his Dad, Russ. So I did. The blessing was beautiful and not what I wanted to hear. He told me that though the young women are important, my first priority is to my family and that is where the Lord wants me to focus my efforts right now. He also said that I shouldn't "run faster than I have strength" and that I should listen to the needs of my body. Well, as soon as the blessing ended, Russ looked at me and said, "I guess it is pretty clear what you should do." And everyone in the room agreed. The sad part is, even with all that, I didn't want to accept that he was right. As I pondered over his blessing, and the words I felt earlier at church, I knew it was the right thing for me to do (to ask to be released).
The next day, I called up the Young Women's President and told her how I was feeling. It was amazing because she said she had been receiving promptings that I needed to be released, but had ignored them due to the fact that I am so good with the girls. It just so happened that the morning before I called her, she had sent an e-mail to a member of the bishopric to ask if I could be released. It was so nice to hear that the Lord had been telling her the same thing, because I never would have imagined asking to be released from a calling, especially one that I loved. So, I was released and it was hard. But it truly does feel like the right decision. As the pregnancy has progressed, I have experienced even more aches and pains. It seems like it is what was best for the girls.
Of course, we can't forget to mention Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving was usual. We truly had a blast. We went down to Russ and Diane's and shared a nice meal. We were in charge of bringing rolls and mashed potatoes. I made the potatoes from scratch and let the Walmart bakery take care of the rolls. The potatoes turned out yummy! I left the skins on, and added garlic, cheese and lots of butter. Scott was amazed at how much butter I used, but they were super yummy. Alexander has been super picky when it comes to food, so it was hard to get him to try anything. We put a little of everything on his plate, but he basically just poked at it all. At least he tried a roll! It was great spending time with the family and thinking about all that I have to be grateful for. I have to say that I truly am so blessed. I feel like the Lord has given me so much. We have a great home. Scott has a great job. We have a sweet little boy who brings us so much joy. We have another little boy on the way, and the pregnancy may be tough, but he is healthy and growing stronger each day! I have a husband who adores me, and I truly could not have picked a more perfect mate. He makes me laugh and helps me when I am weak. I have the gospel in my life and have felt the love of the Savior in my life in more ways than I can count. I guess I could go on forever. I am just so thankful for all the many blessings the Lord has poured out upon me.
Well, that about covers the month of November. Whew! That was a BIG update. If you made it this far, you are a true friend! Tune in next time for another pregnancy update :)
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