35 weeks pregnant |
Wow! It has been a long time since I have updated my status on the pregnancy. So much has happened in the last 6 weeks. First off, let me say that I am so ready for Jacob to come to our family. I really had it easy with Alexander, at least when it came to his kicks and contractions. Jacob, on the other hand, is a kicker! He is constantly moving and I can even feel full out limbs! Even Scott is amazed at how much stronger Jacob's kicks are. It is amazing to watch my belly go crazy as he moves. Even something as small as him having the hiccups will cause my whole belly to shake. It really is amazing, it just makes sleeping a wee bit difficult!

Lately, I have been in a ton of pain...which is no fun! I have intense contractions that will come, and then they will ease up for awhile. At the 35 week check-up, the doctor discovered that Jacob's head had dropped and that I had started to dilate (just a little to about a 1.5). It wasn't much of a surprise to me though, because I feel a lot of pressure really low in my abdomen. I was pretty sure that was his head. Anyway, between contractions, a dropped head, and the ligament pains that have recently returned, I am ready to meet my little boy! Please don't get me wrong, I know it will all be worth it in the end, it is just painful. I am ready for the cuddly times in the wee hours of the morning.
Due to all the pain, and other circumstances, I finally made the decision to be induced on December 28th. I went back and forth a ton about it. I didn't feel it was right to try and take it in my hands, but so much kept pointing towards being induced. Both my mom and brother will be here for Christmas, and my brother is leaving on the 30th. So it would be really nice to have the baby while they are both here so they can meet him. Then there is the benefit that Scott will already be on vacation from work. If you add a huge tax break and less days of pain...well how could I refuse? So, there isn't too much time left. Jacob, if you end up coming on the 28th, I hope you like your birthday, because Mommy was too impatient to wait any longer :)

Well, since we are so close to the baby coming, we had to have a baby shower! Diane threw me a baby shower at her house and it was super fun. We had yummy sandwiches, fruit and sorbet for dessert. We mainly just socialized and opened presents. Not very many people came, but that was to be expected. Despite my efforts, I still have yet to make very many friends here in Utah. I do have to say though, it lets you know who your true friends are when you throw a party. The real ones do all they can to make it. Even though not many people showed up, I still felt it was perfect. I just felt that Jacob deserved a celebration of coming into the world. We were blessed to get some fun gifts too! Russ and Diane spoiled us by purchasing our expensive double stroller for the boys. That will save us a ton! I also loved that Diane made a little table full of fun Christmas gifts for the guests to take as party favors. It was a really cute idea. And Alexander got spoiled with gifts too! Many of the guests brought gifts for him, which was really sweet.
36 weeks pregnant |
At about 36 weeks pregnant, we had a false alarm. We had been shopping and I had been having some really intense contractions. When we got home, I was sure my water broke. Well...I was wrong! We spent four hours in the hospital, only to be told it hadn't. They took one test that said my water hadn't broke, and one that said it had. So they did another test, and an ultrasound. It turned out my fluid levels were just fine. It was fun being able to see Jacob again on the screen though. We got to see him sucking! Adorable! At least one good thing happened from our visit to the hospital. Though, I felt so bad for Amy (Scott's sister), who came down to watch Alexander so we could go to the hospital. He was already in bed, but I just felt bad keeping everyone up. But, I was just so sure! I guess every prego woman is entitled to at least one false alarm. Hopefully that will be our last false alarm.
37 weeks pregnant |
Well, my last appointment was just a few days ago, and marked 37 weeks. I was hoping the doctor would say I had progressed a ton since my 35 week checkup, but alas, I haven't. I am now dilated to a 2, but I am just so ready for him to come! I keep hoping he will come before Christmas so we can celebrate with him. But even if he keeps baking in my belly, there is only 2 weeks left. So I will just have to excercise my patience until then!
Well, that is all for now. Tune in next time for Scott's 30th Birthday!
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