Alexander is excited to meet his brother! |
39 weeks pregnant |
38 weeks pregnant |
Each appointment, got me more and more excited. I was actually progressing! With Alexander, my body just didn't seem to know what to do, but with Jacob, I was already dilating at 35 weeks. By 38 weeks, I was dilated to a 3, the head had dropped even lower, and I was contracting pretty regularly. I was convinced that Jacob was going to come before the day of induction. But after a few false alarms, I gave up and decided he was coming on the 28th, since that was the scheduled day. To prep myself for the event, my Mom and I went for pedicures! It was so nice to relax for a bit before the baby came. We had our pedicures only a few days before he was born. Of course, the days in between Christmas and the baby's arrival were super busy. We had to pack up Christmas, and do a few last minute nesting projects to get the house ready for the baby.
The week before Jacob was born (aka: the week of Christmas) was pretty tough. I would get intense contractions really close together for hours, and then they would just stop. It was really frustrating, because we were around family that whole time and I could feel everyone on the edge of their seats ready for it to happen, and then it wouldn't. It made Christmas tough too, because I was so uncomfortable. I basically sat on the exercise ball everywhere we went. Luckily, we made it through just fine.
Well, the day of the induction finally arrived. To prepare for the inducement, we had packed a bag for Alexander and brought him to stay with Grandma and Grandpa the night before the inducement. We were scheduled to call the hospital at 5:30 am and arrive there by 6:00 am, so it made it easier to just have him spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa. Anyway, the night after we left him, I was in a lot of pain. Contractions came harder and harder. At 1:00 am, I was in enough pain that I started bouncing on the exercise ball (not an uncommon occurrence during my last few weeks of pregnancy). I finally was able to settle down and head back to bed for a little more rest. At 4:00 am, I woke up in a lot more pain. I was having contractions and they were coming harder and harder. Finally, at about 4:45, when Scott couldn't handle me screaming out in pain, he decided we should get ready to go to the hospital. I had been hesitant to go, since we were scheduled to call in at 5:30, but the pain was intense and the contractions were getting closer together.
Anyway, we arrived at the hospital at 5:30 am. They checked us in, and since I was scheduled for an inducement, they took me straight to a labor and delivery room. They checked me out and discovered I was dilated to a 5! That was super exciting. They started to hook me up to pitocin, and the nurse talked about needing to break my water, and I said, "I think it just broke." She checked me and sure enough, it had! It was such a relief to see my body starting things on it's own, without having to be induced. Anyway, I was nervous that it was all going to happen super fast, so I asked for the epidural right away. And that is when things got tricky.
The anesthesiologist came in and frankly, was a bit rude to me. She saw Scott and I playing cards and asked if I was even in any pain. I had to explain to her that I was indeed in pain, and that cards help distract me from the pain. Anyway, she started the epidural, and then my contractions completely stopped. I asked the nurse if the epidural could have caused them to stop, and she said that she had never seen anything like it, and that the epidural shouldn't make them stop. Anyway, they just died, so they had to keep pumping me full of pitocin. Well, then things got a tiny bit scary. I guess my body didn't like the epidural this time, because my blood pressure kept dropping. I would get all light headed an nauseous. Luckily, we were able to get my blood pressure back up, and things under control.
As the labor continued, it turned out that Jacob was on his back, so the nurse kept flipping me back and forth to try and get him in the right position. She said if he would just get in the right position, things would happen really fast. While we waited, the contractions started getting more intense and I could really feel them. With Alexander, I felt nothing after the epidural, all the way up to delivery. I even had to watch the monitor to see when I was having contractions. This time, was a whole different ball game!
My professional opinion is that the anesthesiologist didn't really recognize my pain level when she came in. I felt the contractions pretty hard, but knew Jacob would be born soon. So I wasn't sure if I should push the button for more meds through the epidural. I recognized that it would be beneficial in the pushing part, if I could feel things happening. Finally, the nurse convinced me to give in, and I pushed the button. Looking back, I should have pushed it a few more times. I just didn't know what kind of affect it would really have.
Anyway, after turning over several times, and me finally pushing a little on Jacob's limbs to try and help him turn, he turned! And then I felt it...I mean I really felt the huge urge to push and get him out! The nurse called the doctor, and I had to do everything I could to not push. The nurse and Scott were great at coaching me so that I wouldn't push, but it was so hard. When the doctor came in, we got to it, and started pushing. I have to say, that either the epidural didn't take right, or the anesthesiologist really didn't give me enough, because I felt so much. It made me wonder how people do it naturally because I felt it all. I'm sure it wasn't as intense because I had some drugs going through me, but it was nothing like the delivery of Alexander.
Anyway, Scott said I pushed for only 15 minutes, though it felt like hours. I felt so much that I even felt the delivery of the placenta and the doctor stitching me up. Lesson learned. Epidurals are great, if administered correctly. Anyway, Jacob was born and he was nice and healthy. That is the important part! On his was out, he pooped, so they barely let me hold him at all (maybe two seconds) and then took him so they could make sure nothing entered his lungs. Waiting for them to finish was torture. I even asked when I could hold him again. Soon enough, my wishes were granted and I was able to hold my sweet little boy.
Jacob was born at 12:39 pm, on Friday, December 28th 2012. He weighed in at 8 pounds and 8 ounces, and was 19 inches long. He was a big baby considering he was four days early! But he sure is a cutie and we couldn't be happier. Of course, the family came to visit at the hospital, and we all had a great time. Below are some pictures of us at the hospital together:
It really was so great having everyone visit us. And it was great to see Alexander too. I didn't realize how much I would miss him while being in the hospital. He did great and was so excited to see his new brother. He is such a great big brother...but that is another story. Well, this has been a long post, so I really should wrap up and head to bed. Tune in next time for Delightful December!
I admit, I love to read birth stories...probably because I'm excited to have another baby soon! Thanks for sharing! Hope things are still going well with two kiddos :)
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for you, Rachel! I can't wait to read your birth story after it is all over! Things are going great with the two little boys. It is amazing how much Alexander loves his little brother :)
DeleteWow, sounds like this birth was quite the adventure. I can't even imagine what pain you must have been in!! I'm so glad that both of you were okay though :) I hope you are enjoying life as a mom of 2!
ReplyDeleteYeah, this time was definitely not as easy as last time, but it was totally worth it. It is amazing how quickly you forget the pain. It's as if looking into their eyes every day makes you forget. We are doing well, thanks. Life as a mom of 2 can be challenging, but it is still a blast. It will be way fun when Jacob is old enough to start playing with Alexander.
DeleteI'm not on Facebook, so I missed the announcement! I thought I had just checked your blog a couple of days ago, and then BOOM! Jacob is born, and I didn't even know it. CONGRATULATIONS! What a beautiful boy, beautiful parents, beautiful brother. This is all that you have dreamed of.I am sorry the birth was so tough, but what a treasure you have at the end of it. I am so very very happy for you!
ReplyDeleteYeah, Jacob was born on December 28th. I am still working on getting out birth announcements. It has been a bit of an adjustment having two small children, so hopefully you will get an announcement soon :)