Another really fun thing that happened in the month of December was that I got this beautiful poinsettia Now, getting a poinsettia may not seem that exciting, but there is a story behind this one! One day, during the month of December, Scott and I were shopping at Costco, and I noticed a huge pile of poinsettias. I decided to take this moment to drop a hint and said, "I know that money is kinda tight with the baby coming this year, but for the future, if you ever want to get me flowers in the month of December, I would LOVE a poinsettia." Well, the very next morning, there was a knock at our door. Scott answered the door and it turned out that our neighbors were receiving a poinsettia delivery, but our neighbors had moved! So when the delivery person asked us if we knew where they were and Scott told them that they had moved, the delivery person gave us the plant! It was as if Heavenly Father decided I needed a poinsettia this year, and I felt very blessed and very excited all at the same time! Yet another tender mercy of the Lord.
The only other thing I can think of to report, is Alexander's moments of growth. He got three more molars during the month of December, so he now has all four molars! His favorite thing to do is carry around a toothbrush and chew on it, when he is teething. It really seems to provide him a great deal of relief. He has also learned how to walk down the stairs all by himself! He just holds on to the rails or the walls. He is doing so well that he now refuses to take our hand when going down the stairs. He is becoming such a little man! I am sure he learned tons more during the month of December, but it is all a blur now. So that is all for now. Tune in next time for Jumping January :)
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