Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Fall Fun

Fall has to be one of our very favorite times of the year. Though, as each new season comes, I tend to think it is my favorite season. I am grateful to live in Utah, where we have such varied weather. I love the beautiful fall leaves, the snow falling in winter, the flowering trees in spring, and the warm-enough-to-swim-in sunny summer weather. Anyway, we had a lot of fun last October, so I thought I would share some fun fall pictures and memories for you. Here goes nothin!

I can't remember if my mom sent money for another swing in the summer or fall, but I did stumble upon these cute pictures of the boys on the swings. Alexander has started to love being spun while he swings. He could spin for hours! I am always amazed at his ability to spin, because I get dizzy so easily! Well, I have loved the swings, because the boys can have fun swinging while I do yard work, or hang clothes on the line to dry!

With fall, comes glorious piles of leaves! I was so excited to be able to rake the leaves when they came and so sure we didn't really have trees with leaves, that I volunteered to rake an elderly neighbor's leaves. It was fun, and I enjoyed putting the kids in the pile of leaves. A week later, we had more than we knew what to do with! Anyway, we got some fun pictures of us in a pile of leaves at our neighbor's house. You can even see our house in the background. They actually suggested it. In the pictures, you will notice Jacob is crying in one of them. That is a funny story! Scott saw the big pile of leaves and thought it would be fun to drop Jacob in the middle of the leaves. I don't think he realized he would sink to the bottom. The poor kid was so scared! It was funny though, and Scott felt so bad. Below are some fun pictures for you: 

Fall, also brings fun decor and cookie making! At least for our family. One day, I helped the kids make little ghosts to hang in the trees. We also got bats from the library for the boys, due to a fundraiser they were doing. And of course, we had to get some fun fall decor now that we have a house! We already had the wreath and window stickers, but we added the spider lights this year. And since my IC, I have learned how to make the yummiest sugar cookies! And the icing is fun because it is a glaze icing. So I paint on the base layer and let the kids paint on the rest. They love it!

Well, that about covers our first section of fall fun. I have lots of fun Halloween stuff to do, but it is getting late, so that will have to wait for another day. Hopefully, I will do this again next week! Tune in next time for "Rita's at Last!"

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